04, 09, 2021    Moerheim at De Tuinen van mien Ruys

Grand Opening and Bonne Suits are proud to present our new publication Moerheim.

In honour of this, we cordially invite you to the gardens of Mien Ruys in Dedemsvaart, on the 4th of September.

A special one-day exhibition and a tour has been set up in the gardens for the occasion, along with a tour. Our program begins with a lunch, from 1400. After this we will host a conversation with Viviane Sassen, Bonne Reijn, Guus Kaandorp and Lou-Lou van Staaveren. Among the topics of discussion will be the re-appreciation of garden-design and the impact of the gardens on the work and lives of the artists involved. The panel will be followed by a performance. All this will be finished with drinks, around 1700.

We will provide transportation from Amsterdam to the gardens for those interested.

More information and RSVP by sending an email to hello@grandopening.party.
Photographer: Félice Knol